
To remember and honor the Skill, Greatness, and Wisdom of the late GM Kang Sin Sin (江新辰), the disciples Michael, Rio, and Febry decided to publish this website as we need to preserve the Wing Chun KungFu of the late GM Kang Sin Sin by spreading his way of teaching and the style that he learnt from the late GGM Ip Man (Yip Man), the late GM Leung Sheung, and the late GM Chu Shong Tin.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

GM Kang & Rio - practicing the Muk Yan Jong

 GM Kang Sin Sin is doing the Bong Sao on the Muk Yan Jong

GM Kang Sin Sin played the Muk Yan Jong 2 days before he got the stroke. He tested the iron made Muk Yan Jong equipped with wooden spring arms which was almost completed. Afterward, we practiced Chi Sao for almost 2 hours. That night, he seemed very healthy and always wanted to keep practicing. No sign at all that he would fall asleep and never wake up, leaving us all of his family and disciples behind.

The picture was taken in his Wing Chun private training location in Jakarta, Indonesia.