Dan Chi Sao (Single Sticky Hand)
(International Wing Chun Martial Art - Indonesia)
Dan Chi Sao is a single sticky hand practice technique used to train a Wing Chun Practitioner to develop the reflexes and feelings before he/she can practice the double sticky hands or Chi Sao. Dan Chi Sao is conducted by a pair of Wing Chun Practitioners and there are 4 sets of practice drills as follows:
1. The Dan Sao – Bong Sao vs. Fook Sao – Ding Sao drill
This drill is started with one person is doing the Dan Sao while the other is countering it by doing the Fook Sao. Then the Dan Sao is transformed into Bong Sao and in return is countered by Ding Sao. This drill is ended with one punch to the lower abdomen and is countered by Jit Sao.
2. The Biu Sao – Lap Sao drill
This drill is started with one person is doing the Dan Sao then change the Dan Sao into an Open Palm Strike into the lower abdomen. This Open Palm Strike is countered with a downward Lap Sao then followed by a Biu Sao (Thrusting Fingers). The other person then reacts by also thrusting his/her finger at the inner side. Then in order to protect the eyes from the inner Biu Sao, the defeated person must quickly Lap Sao the other person’s hand. This drill is ended with deflecting the Biu Sao above the eye level.
3. The Side Lap Sao – Closed Palm Cham Sao drill
This drill is started with one person is doing the Closed Palm Chum Sao and the other person is defending his/her position by doing the Bong Sao. The Closed Palm Chum Sao is then countered by the other person by doing the Side Lap Sao and the Lap Sao-ed hand must be transformed into a Bong Sao in order to defend the Closed Palm Chum Sao which is now conducted by that other person.
4. The Side Lap Sao – Closed Palm Cham Sao, with Push–Pull–Push drill
This drill is basically the same with the above (No. 3) drill with the addition of Push-Pull-Push hand at the end of each one cycle Side Lap Sao – Closed Palm Cham Sao drill.
It is expected that ones a Wing Chun Practitioner has mastered the Dan Chi Sao, he/she can develop the necessary reflexes and feelings to move forward his/her practice to the next level, the Chi Sao.
In the late GM Kang Sin Sin’s classes, this practice is also called the Chi Dan Sao.